Friday, September 18, 2015

Sugar Overload

Guys, I hate to say it, but I think I have a problem...

Just kidding! If you know me you know that I am not really a chocolate fan, but every once in awhile we all need a little something sweet.  As I have been blogging, I realized I haven't made anything sweet yet. My meals have all been dinners and not any kind of fun dessert (insert sad face here). Time to change this.

This weekend we went apple picking and came home with WAY to many apples. I quickly used my Pinterest searching skills to find a dessert that included apples. One of the first ones that popped up was for the Snickers and caramel apple pie. Done! Quick and easy is what I like.

The things you need to create this fabulous meal are:
  • 2-3 apples (depending on size)
  • a bag of mini Snickers (I used about 20 minis)
  • 4 ounces of cream cheese
  • 2 1/2 cups of Cool Whip 
  • 1/4 cup of sweetened condensed milk
  • one graham cracker crust tin
  • caramel sauce to drizzle on top

Step 1: Cut your apples into small slices.

Step 2: Cut your Snickers into small pieces.

Step 3: Mix the two together in the graham cracker crust pan.

Step 4: Mix the cream cheese, cool whip and condensed milk together until smooth.

Step 5: Put the frosting on top of the apples and Snickers and spread around.

Step 6: Put extra decorative Snickers and apples on top for more delicious flavoring.

Step 7: Drizzle caramel ALL OVER.

Step8: Enjoy!

When I tried the pie I thought it was good even though it was so messy, but then I brought some to my neighbors and they said that is the best dessert they have tasted in a long time. Success! It was a great night as we sat around the fire with some pie and laughter. It was much needed as the week winded down. 

What are some fall desserts that you find yourself cooking? 

Bon appétite!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Nacho Cheese

My students and I were talking about food today and the conversation led to the joke that ends with "nacho cheese."

It got me thinking about dinner tonight. We all know that by the time we get home from school/work all we want to do is relax. But then we think, "oh wait, I'm hungry and need to make dinner." If you are a good meal planner and plan ahead then props to you. I, however, am not that talented and my meal is whatever I can throw together and quickly. So if you are like me I have a very simple, yet delicious scrumptious (one of my students used that word today) nacho meal.

First off, these nachos are a recipe (if you can even call it that) that my mom and I kind of threw this together one day a few years back and have been eating it ever since. There really aren't any measurements and therefore you can put as much of the ingredients in as much as you want. If any of you know me well enough, I really have an issue with putting too much cheese on things...

Any who, back to the instructions.
  • I use the El Ranchero salted chips and spread them over a baking pan. I then spread a can of Hormel Chili (uncooked) over the chips and add some freshly cut jalapeños to really get the spice going. 
  • My next and favorite step.... CHEESE! I use the Mexican Blend Kraft cheese and use the whole bag. 
  • Put it in the oven at maybe 350 degrees or until the cheese is melted. 
  • While that is cooking, I cut apart some lettuce and tomatoes to spread on top when the nachos are done. I also make sure to have some sour cream or salsa out for me and the family to use.

Now that you are probably hungry, what is your favorite go to snack or meal on the go? Time to help fellow teachers out! Go!

Bon Appétit!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What's for Dinner?

Well, we have all been trying to get back on our schedules with school starting... and lets be honest, there is NO time left in the days again to have a gourmet meal. As we began our first school day today, I realized that I no longer have the freedom to go to the bathroom when I want, snack when I want, or have time to plan a decent meal. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little here... I did make a decent meal with little time last night.

As I searched Pinterest (again...) I found a recipe that looked yummy, quick, and with mild preparation. I found the recipe for Italian meatballs and tortellini during my browse session. Whats not to like? Meatballs...good. Tortellini...good. Parmesan cheese....good! (Friends reference anyone?!)

The recipe only calls for a bag of frozen meatballs of your choice (I used Johnsonville Classic Italian), frozen tortellini (I used Three Bridges - Five Cheese), a can of chicken broth and a jar of Ragu pasta sauce.

Here is a quick list of how to make it because really thats all it needs!
  1. Cook meatballs in the oven for 28 minutes at 350°. Be careful here. My oven must be a super-duper oven and cooked them in 22 minutes. I also flipped them halfway through to prevent burning the bottom.
  2. While the meatballs are cooking, add two cups of Ragu, one cup of chicken broth and tortellini in a frying pan. Cook on low heat for 8 minutes. I stirred this to get the ingredients mixed. You also DO NOT cook the tortellini prior to this. This was a major concern to me, but it tasted great in the end!
  3. Add the cooked meatballs to the simmered pasta and cook on low heat for two more minutes.
  4. Add parmesan cheese.
  5. Pair with your favorite wine! I paired this meal with a Sweet Red from Cooper's Hawk (go figure...).

Just want to throw two quick tips out there for anyone who wants to make this. 
  • Make sure you don't overcook your meatballs. It will ruin the meal.
  • If you like your pasta with more sauce, use more of the Ragu and chicken broth since you have some leftover. Ours needed more sauce, but still tasted wonderful!
Here is a quick video showing you fast and easy steps!

Okay, so we can all make this meal on a school night right? It is possible and, duh, it is delicious. 

As we move into the next hectic two weeks I am curious to know what meal you have that is even easier or quicker than this one. I will be coaching softball after school and will not be getting home until REALLY late at night. I need some help with the easiest, most effortless meals to make.  Please share if you have anything great!

Bon appétit!!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Grillin' in the Heat

Happy Monday everyone!

This weekend I was determined to top my simple chicken and salad meal from two weeks ago. I was the crazy person who decided to grill in the 90 degree heat this past Sunday (face-> palm).  I wanted to really beef (no pun intended) up my meal so I decided to make chicken and beef kabobs. What I did not realize was how long this whole process would take, but in the end the food was delicious!

My parents told me they would make this essentially from scratch all the time, so I decided to give it a try. First I began by cubing the chicken and beef. Man is there a lot of excess fat on the beef! I had to cut all the fat off and felt like there was no beef left! After I was done cutting the meat, I moved on to making the marinade. Sure this meal would have been fine simply being marinaded with Italian dressing, but my dad has a wonderful kabob marinade, so I decided to try that! After mixing the vegetable oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, garlic and pepper in a plastic Ziploc bag, I added the meat, also. I made sure to really toss the bag around to make sure the meats were covered in marinade before putting it in the fridge for about 5 hours.

Later in the day I began to cut up the vegetables. This consisted of green pepper, red pepper, onion and mushrooms. My dad had to step in and cut the onions though because I wasn't up for crying! I made sure to cut the veggies into thicker pieces so they would grill well and stay on the skewer better. I decided to make meat skewers and vegetable skewers because my parents mentioned the vegetables seemed to cook a lot faster than the meat. My mom asked me if I needed help while I was cooking so she made some rice to go on the side. Thanks Mom!

Now this is the part I wasn't ready for; the amount of time it took to grill. I was also the dummy who decided to grill in 30mph winds on a 90 degree day! Overall it took about 15 -20 minutes, with some taste testing to see how close they were to being done. At this point I was impatient and sweaty and vouched to never grill in that type of heat again. Even though I say that, the kabobs turned out to be wonderful.

Before eating I was in need of pouring myself a refreshment. I paired this meal with the Cooper's Hawk White Sangria. I chose this wine because with the meat and vegetables being grilled and more of a salty flavor, I wanted to pair it with something a little more sweet. I'm sure a red wine would have also gone well with this, but the white sure went down just fine!

We also decided to pull out different sauces to put with our rice and kabobs. I found it best to just be to mix up all the pieces so they all caught some of each others flavors. Here is a picture of the finished product!

After completing this meal, I felt much more accomplished than last time. As school and chaos is approaching quickly, I am looking for some quick, yet delicious, meals to make on weeknights. Do you have a favorite weeknight recipe that you are willing to share? Please post if you do!

Bon appétit!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Gotta Start Somewhere...

Hearty burger.
Gooey cheese.
Crispy lettuce.
Salty fries.

Is your mouth watering yet?

When I began thinking about topics for my new blog, I wanted to be able to talk about something that I love and where I can challenge myself to do something new. As many of us do, I have a love of food. I love going out to eat while having a great time with family and friends.

When I am at home I am at most a decent cook. I am no Julia Child, but I would love to be able make some amazing appetizers, entrees and desserts that you see on the cooking shows and in restaurants.

So when I got home today, I wanted to do a few things.
  1. Relax
  2. Not do any homework
  3. Relax
  4. Think about a meal that I could make that was simple
  5. Make it
I decided that grilling looks easy so I started there. I grilled some chicken steaks, threw together a salad and made some creamy buttered noodles. I paired it with some Pinot Noir and sat down to my meal. Overall, it tasted good and was not too heavy or light of a meal.

I must have been feeling overly ambitious because then I wanted dessert. As I scrolled through Pinterest I saw a cream cheese crumb cake that looked SO GOOD. Luckily I had all the ingredients and could begin creating my masterpiece. 

After I made a large mess in the kitchen, I pulled my delicious smelling cake from the oven.  My first bite was a little dry and I was bummed and disappointed. But as I got closer to the middle it was soft and delicious! YAY! I would say this is a step in the right direction.

As I blog more in the future, please add some amazing meals you made, ate while you were out or a fun drink you had along the way!

Bon appétit!
